



对需求的适应性、效率、简便和网络——这些都是定义当今工业领域的热门术语。在智能工厂中,对于由不同制造商的系统所组成的SMT产线而言,整个生产系统的网络化是必不可少的,并能够随时访问所有工序和装配数据,且保证此互联网络始终独立于制造商,这一点尤为重要。“Hermes标准”可以轻松实现这些目标。目前锐德对流焊接系统VisionXP +可提供两种符合“Hermes标准”的版本。

“Look further, go beyond”

One of the biggest and most important trade fairs for the electronics industry is coming up: In three weeks, SMTconnect (formerly SMT Hybrid Packaging) will open its doors in Nuremberg from 7-9 May. Rehm Thermal Systems will be attending again this year, too: Come visit the Rehm team in Hall 4A, Stand 100. We’ll be delighted to see you!

ProtectoXC wins “Vision Award” at Nepcon China

Nepcon China took place from 24 to 26 April 2019 at the World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai. Many interested visitors came to the fair to explore the latest developments in the electronics industry.