

对于半导体等许多产品的生产来说,洁净室是保证高质量和产品安全的强制性要求,因为即使是最小的杂质也会对最终产品造成损害。 为了确保系统将来也能在洁净室中使用,锐德热力设备公司在中国东莞的工厂建立了符合最高国际标准的洁净室。

The 25th European Electronics Technology College: New Impetus for the Industry

Electronics manufacturing is faced with the task of constantly adapting to new developments and future trends. This year, the 25th European Electronics Technology College, which takes place from 2 to 6 April in Colonia de Sant Jordi, Mallorca, will focus on the latest technologies and strategies that will shape the manufacturing world of tomorrow. Don't miss out on this special anniversary event…